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IMF Article IV Consultations with the Government of Ghana

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) Mission is visiting Ghana from Monday, 30th September - Friday 11th October, 2019, to engage in Article IV Consultations as part of the Fund's mandatory multilateral surveillance for all IMF-member countries. This will be the first Article IV Consultants since Ghana successfully concluded the 4-year IMF-supported Extended Credit Facility (ECP) Programme in April, 2019.

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Ken Ofori Atta calls for a new World Economic Order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Ken Ofori Atta, Minister for Finance has called for an overhaul of the global financing architectural framework, if Africa is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These include global financial arrangements which make producer countries ‘price takers’; conditions that promote illicit financial flows; conditionalities associated with capital acquisition and its high cost.

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Innovative Finance and Change in Pedagogy – Key to Achieving SDG 4

Ken Ofori Atta, Minister for Finance today said that as much as there was the need to accelerate innovative financing to assist developing countries achieve SDG on education, it was very crucial that the current pedagogy in some developing countries should be overhauled to equip the youth in those countries to properly engage the world in the near future.

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