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Fiscal Risk Sub-Committee Inaugurated

An 11-member Fiscal Risk Sub-Committee of the Economic Policy Coordinating Committee to oversee issues relating to fiscal risk management has been inaugurated with a call to help bring sanity to Ghana’s fiscal management.

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Finance Minister Hosts AGI

Minister for Finance, Hon Ken Ofori-Atta has held a stakeholders meeting with the President and some members of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) to deliberate on issues affecting the manufacturing industry in the country.

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Government’s Issuance Calendar for June to August 2019

As part of Government’s effort to improve market transparency in the issuance of Government securities, we forward the attached issuance calendar for publication. The calendar is developed based on the Net Domestic Financing in the 2019 Budget, the domestic maturities and the MTDS for 2019-2022.

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Government Sign MoU with Social Partners

Government signed a Social Partnership Agreement with Organised Labour for a stronger collaboration, harmonized industrial relations and government policies. Parties involved in the agreement were MoF and MELR representing government and TUC and GEA representing Organized Labour

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African Consultative Group Meeting

Minister Kenneth Ofori-Atta, Chairman of the African Caucus, and Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), co-chaired the African Consultative Group meeting today at the IMF Headquarters. They issued the following statement after the conclusion of the Group’s meeting in Washington D.C.

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