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Press Release

KRL International LLC's Service Provision to the Government of Ghana

The Ministry of Finance has been made aware of a recent article published anonymously on 10th August, 2020, on the website Open Source Investigations (OSI) and carried on other local electronic and print media. The article is a clear misrepresentation of the facts as it relates to Ministry of Finance’s contractual relationship with, and fee payments to, KRL International LLC.

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Full Guaranteed Payment of all Validated Depositor Funds of Resolved Microfinance, Microcredit, Savings & Loans, and Finance House Companies

The Ministry of Finance has released GH¢ 5 billion to the Receiver of the defunct Savings and Loans and Microfinance Companies, as well as the Official Liquidator of the Micro Credit companies through Consolidated Bank Ghana (CBG), in a combination of cash and bonds to fully settle all validated claims due depositors of failed Specialised Deposit-Taking Institutions (SDIs).

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