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2020 Budget Statement and Economic Policy

Mr. Speaker, on the authority of His Excellency the President, and in keeping with the requirement of Article 179 of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, and Section 21(3) of the PFM Act 2016 (ACT 921), may I respectfully present the Budget Statement and Economic Policies of Government for 2020 to this Honourable House.

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IMF Article IV Consultations with the Government of Ghana

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) Mission is visiting Ghana from Monday, 30th September - Friday 11th October, 2019, to engage in Article IV Consultations as part of the Fund's mandatory multilateral surveillance for all IMF-member countries. This will be the first Article IV Consultants since Ghana successfully concluded the 4-year IMF-supported Extended Credit Facility (ECP) Programme in April, 2019.

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