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Daniel Nuer

Daniel is a career public servant with over 36 years of experience in tax administration and tax policy. He was the Head of the Tax Policy Unit (TPU) at the Ministry of Finance – Ghana from January 2017 until his appointment as Acting Director, Revenue Policy Division in January 2025.


He holds a Bachelor of Science in Administration (Human Resource Management) from the University of Ghana, and a Master of Philosophy in Taxation from the University of Pretoria. He has a Certificate in Public Policy Analysis from the Strathmore Business School, Nairobi, Kenya, certificates from the Ghana Stock Exchange in Basic Securities, Advanced Securities, Securities Selling and Investment Advice and Securities Trading and additional certificates in Legislative Drafting, Monitoring and Evaluation. He is a is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation (Ghana) and a Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT) Trained Assessor with the IMF.


At the Tax Policy Unit, he was responsible for developing, monitoring and evaluating new policies, revenue forecasting and policy costing, coordinating the development, drafting and passage of revenue legislation, review of tax clauses in agreements, negotiation of Tax Treaties and provision of opinions and advice on tax issues.


Prior to taking up the position as Head Tax Policy Unit, he worked with the Internal Revenue Service in operations, as a research analyst with the Revenue Agencies Governing Board and as a manager with the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) respectively. He was part of the Project Team responsible for setting up the GRA and development of the 1st and 2nd Strategic Plans of the Authority. He led the Team that prepared the GRA annual reports for 2012 – 2014 and was a member of the teams that set up the Upstream Petroleum Unit and the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of the GRA. His last assignment prior to taking up the position at the Ministry was as a Monitoring and Evaluation Manager.



He was a Bureau Member of the UN Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee for Drafting of Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation from February – August 2024 and has been appointed to the Bureau of the Inter-Governmental Negotiating Committee from January 2025.

Daniel Nuer

Ag. Director RPD