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Issuance Calendar for Third Quarter of 2017

The calendar is developed based on the Net Domestic Financing in the 2017 Budget, the domestic maturities and the provisional Medium Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS) for 2017-2019. The calendar specifies the aggregate amounts to be raised by instruments in respect of Government’s Public Sector Borrowing Requirements for the period July to September, 2017.


The Calendar also takes into consideration Government liability management programme, market developments (both domestic and international) and the Debt Management objective of lengthening the maturity profile of the public debt.

Please note that for the period, Government plans to issue gross amount of GHȼ17430.00 million, of which GH¢14,152.80 million is to rollover maturities and the remaining GH¢3,277.20 million as fresh issuance to meet Government’s financing requirements.
