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Moving Beyond Aid: Revenue Mobilization - G20 Compact with Africa

A conference jointly organized by the Government of Ghana,

African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), and the IMF

April 4- 5, 2018

Accra, Ghana


Stepping up domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) could help countries working on the Compact with Africa (CWA) to overcome aid dependence, ease financing constraints, and enhance growth prospects—all key elements to achieve prosperity without jeopardizing debt sustainability.

The conference would help dealing with institutional and political constraints in revenue mobilization, improving tax compliance, and alleviating base erosion and profit shifting by multinational companies.

It will focus on common DRM challenges and propose short- and medium-term growth-friendly revenue-enhancing solutions. The conference will provide a forum for knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning among senior government officials, experts, representatives of the civil society, and academia.

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