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Request for Expressions of Interest: Consultant to Support Ghana with a Commodity Trading Pilot

The EITI International Secretariat is seeking to recruit a consultant to support the government of Ghana and the EITI MSG with a commodity trading pilot. The consultancy includes:

  1. collecting, reviewing and analyzing data on volumes, contracts and liftings of government oil and gas;

  2. providing a clear description of flows of funds into and out of Ghana's account from the sale of government oil and gas, including pricing, in-kind payments and beneficial ownership disclosure of trading companies;

  3. producing an inception report, outlining the scope as agreed by the multi-stakeholder group and the methodology of reporting on commodity trading;  

  4. producing Ghana EITI’s commodity trading report.

The TOR for the assignment is attached.

The consultancy is funded by the by the EITI International Secretariat.

Kindly submit your CV and a brief technical and financial proposal to EITI International Secretariat ( by 17:00 Central European Time on 29 January 2018. The financial proposal should include all applicable taxes and estimate the total cost.